
The quick brown fox jumped over the good, but lazy Parker family.

Rue de Rivoli

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

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[Rue de Rivoli, Paris, France.]
Paris has turned out to be the big surprise for me on the trip — i thought i was going to hate it, and was only doing it to buy off my wife for spending seven days in a car running around a nation she’d already seen.

And i have to say, i was partially right. Paris is an ugly, ugly city during the day — there seems to be no sanitation in the traditional sense, the people on the sidewalks aren’t terribly nice, and it was painfully obvious that I just wasn’t in Kansas anymore Toto.

But Paris at night, is just stunning.

I have a feeling we’ll be back — we didn’t get to see even half the things on our list, but when we do come i think we’re going to do another long weekend and not even going to try adapt to the time change.

We’ll just get up at noon, and stay awake until 2am, and do Paris the way that God intended — at night.

See Slideshow of the Photos on Flickr:
Rue de Rivoli, Paris, France