one more piece of unplanned contruction…

with about 30 minutes of forethought, we went shopping at World Market for a dining room table last week. all of our chairs are frail, and not certain to survive another sparklet-like force of nature. four of them are actually heirlooms, which makes them both more fragile and the ramifications of said fragility to be more pronounced.

fortunately, sparklet’s old enough to help with assembly.

speakingof which, sparklet is old enough to repeat everything we say. on the way back from buying our table (cheap, president’s day sale!) we drove up to our house (8pm on a Saturday) and found parking right in front, which I celebrated by saying:

holy crap!

sparklet was equally enthusiastic in her response, testing out the phrase in five different tones, emphasises, and vocal qualities.

it doesn’t appear to have stuck, thank God — but the warning shot went low across our bow.