
The quick brown fox jumped over the good, but lazy Parker family.

transit is like soo 2008

Thursday, 3 February 2011


I’m commuting by public transit today — for the first time since the Bush II administration.

Public transit isn’t especially kind to me these days.

I’ve got 3 bus lines and a metro stop within 10 minutes of my door, but it takes a little under 70 minutes to actually use them to get to work.

… which does not compare favorably to the 22 minutes it takes me to get to the office by car.

… even if that office is a major conservation organization (we’re Eco-friendly, not Eco-crazy).

I digress.

We’re getting a POD (portable storage container) delivered to the house on Saturday, just in time to have our M.O.H. spend the weekend helping is pack.

Unfortunately, the District hasn’t seemed particularly interested in giving us a permit (in a timely manner, at least) to park the POD on city streets.

… which means we can’t put up emergency no parking signs asking people not to park where we need to put the POD.

… which means we’re using the car to block off that space.

… which means I’m commuting by public transit, regardless of fact that it increases my daily commute time by 416%.

If there is a silver lining, it’s that I’m actually listening to music that I bought three months ago (Sara Barellies, The Killers, Arcade Fire) that I haven’t been alone with my MP3 player long enough to listen to.

That, and I have plenty of time to blog about things that I would have otherwise completely ignored.