
The quick brown fox jumped over the good, but lazy Parker family.

guestbook: andrew and cori

Friday, 26 November 2010

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i’ve seen my future.

sparklet had a playdate this afternoon with a friend — one of our dedicated, arbitron-rated 3.7 blog readers — and her little boy, Andrew.

aaaand, for some reason sparklet spent the whole time chasing Andrew around, trying to give him things (instruments he didn’t want), then trying to give him more things (kisses he didn’t want) and then try to pet his hair.

andrew was a good sport about it all, but i have to admit i was paralyzed with fear for the whole time — which accounts for the utter lack of photos of sparklet’s early attempts at flirtation.

nothing happened for me to be particularly embarrassed about (i guess) but something tells me that i’m not going to find the next sixteen years of my life to be particularly relaxing.

See Slideshow of the Photos on Flickr:
guestbook: andrew and cori