
The quick brown fox jumped over the good, but lazy Parker family.


Friday, 15 January 2010


[The Nature Conservancy's Hellen Creek Hemlock Preserve, Lusby, Maryland.]
IMG_0522.CR2, originally uploaded by [ecpark].
it’s 4:01 pm, and i’m officially on paternity leave … and will be on full-time sparklet duty between now and February 17th, so the lady sparkler can go back to work.

being able to take this much time is one of the great benefits of working at a non-profit — and one of the great benefits of having great coworkers — that i can (a) disappear for this long, and (b) not be worried that the world is going to end without me.

right now, the only burning question in my mind is whether i will now have more time to blog, or less. and i guess that means that life is pretty good.